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Travel around Kaunas Lagoon with a personal audio guide!

S. Nėris Memorial Museum, the Department of Maironis Lithuanian Literature Museum


We recommend visiting the house of Salomėja Nėris, which is now a museum, to those who like poetry, and to those who don’t. If you happen to come here, you will love it. This home, located in the Kaunas neighbourhood of Palemonas, was owned by two artists: Salomėja Bačinskaitė-Bučienė, the Neo-Romantic poetess and Bernardas Bučas, the sculptor, where they spent four years together.

Renovated in 2004, the museum offers artsprograms that receive the highest evaluation from its visit, five stars out of five possible. B.Bučas, who built this house with his own hands including the tremendous garden surrounding it, had a dream to provide a space where artists could meet and be free to create. The dream came true. Bohemian artists from Kaunas chose this place to meet before the war. Today even ordinary people say they draw much inspiration here and feel how their feelings awake. Can it be either way? After all, in spring the earth is covered with floral envelopes and nightingales sing their songs. While visiting, enjoy a walk along the pathway near the Kaunas Reservoir leading to Lakštingalų slėnis (Valley of Nightingales).

The poetess and her future husband B. Bučas bought a land plot here in 1936. The same year, in December, they got married in Paris. After they returned, they began gradually building the house which, in the beginning, had only one room with a kitchen.  Only in 1938, when S. Nėris was awarded the State Literature Prize for the book of poems “Diemedžiu žydėsiu”, the house was completely equipped with basic facilities. They managed to create a very interesting interior design with a terrace, balconies, and inner windows. They have created a dream house for romantics. Unfortunately, when the Second World War began in 1941, Salomėja and her son had to escape to Russia, while Bernardas left and had to hide in the village. The house was desolated during the war. In 1944, when the poetess returned to Kaunas, she settled in an apartment in Dainavos street. One year later, she was taken to the Kaunas Red Cross Hospital and died in Moscow from hepatic cancer on 7 of July.

The exhibit displays S. Nėris’ personal belongings, manuscripts, library, B. Bučas sculptures and pictures. TV displays also show visually information about the S. Neris. Speak to the women who work at the museum, they are historians and romantics.

The most convenient way to come here is by car (parking available) or public transport. Spend some time outside the museum and have a walk in its surrounding nature.


Rolanda Girskienė 2023-12-31

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